Your car is your pride and joy. You depend on it for everything – from transporting you to and from work to keeping you safe while you’re on the road. Most people take their car for granted and sometimes forget to take good care of it. Life can get busy and sometimes we just expect things to work when we need them. If you own a classic then the chances are you look after it. Keeping an old classic on the road takes a lot of effort but it is very rewarding and can significantly affect your quality of life. That smile you get when you drive down the road… its good for the soul!
In terms of keeping your car looking nice and shiny, paying your deductible for hail damage repair can be expensive but there are certain shops that will waive your deductible, like Hail Specialists. So, should you suffer hail damage during a freak thunder storm or downpour, then it need not be something your car has to live with and you have to constantly look at.

Keeping on top of maintenance is important as a well-maintained car can help you get the most out of it. Here are a few car maintenance tips you can use to make sure your car turn key and always ready for the road.
Inspecting your vehicle for damage
All cars suffer damage at some point on the road. Just using your car can lead it to getting a random stone chip or a scratch. Its just a fact of life and keeping on top of these is something you have to accept. Like with most hailstorms, they don’t do any harm to your cars bodywork but on rare occasions even the small hailstones may have dented your vehicle. They look terrible at first but these types of dents are actually easily fixable, because paintless dent repair technology has come a long way. These methods can help keep the costs of repair to a minimum. So, with or without comprehensive insurance cover, this can prove an affordable repair, whereas in the past it may have written off your car.
It might even be that a part of your car has just given up and it’s time to get it repaired. It’s not necessarily something that you have done, but it can happen over time. If this happens, we do recommend researching where the best place to purchase from is. For example, Vitesse Land Rover Parts is a fantastic option for Land Rover’s, so it’s up to you to scout around for the best for your car.

Other damage may just mean purchasing a home kit that deals with light scratches in paintwork. Sometimes a good clay-bar and polish treatment can remove light scratches and surface marks in the paint and its a routine your should carry out once or twice a year.
It’s also worth giving your alloys the attention they deserve. Did you know that you could get coated alloy wheels, which can be much preferable for long-term maintenance? The most popular options are diamond cutting and powder coating—you can head to this page to find out the Difference between diamond cutting and powder coating alloy wheels. Essentially, looking after your alloys not only prevents corrosion but can also help better protect your brake pads from salt and debris damage. Besides, everyone wants a stylish looking car, so why stop at the body when you can also make your wheels look the part?
Basic car maintenance is something nearly every driver needs to know, but it’s too easy for this information to get forgotten. So, here are some things you should do to ensure the safety and reliability of your vehicle.
Checking tire pressure
A lot of drivers will admit to not checking tire pressures, as they feel it is a waste of time or a just hassle they don’t want to deal with. Rest assured, checking your tire pressure is very important for your car as it is critical for safe braking, handling and achieving good fuel economy.

When you own a classic, tyre maintenance becomes more important since older cars don’t always drive as well as modern cars. So keep those tyre pressures checked!
Checking fluids
Other basic maintenance such as checking the oil, the coolant, the brake fluid, and the windshield washer fluid is important. All of these fluids must be checked properly, some a couple of times a month and others every few months.

Again owning a classic means you have to contend with leaks and drips, its just the nature of old cars. If you car does have an oil or transmission leak, keep an eye on the fluid levels as the last thing you want to do is let them run low.
Changing the oil
Changing the oil as per the manufacturers recommended service intervals is critical to your engines health. Aside from the obvious—it’s essential to protect the engine’s components from wear —the oil helps keep the many moving parts of your car lubricated and working smoothly.

As oil ages it starts to break down, reducing its lubricating properties which can lead to wear of pistons, the crank and its bearings. Fresh oil will reduce the risk of this happening.
Checking for Engine Noises
Owning a classic means you are used to listening out for noises. Sometimes you’ll be driving and will wonder “is that a new noise or an old one?” Engine noises are one of the most common causes of car-related problems.

But some can be attributed to suspension wear. That clunk you hear when you drive over rough roads probably means you’ve worn suspension bushes or mounts.
Clean your air filter
Air filters trap and filter particulates and stop them from entering the engine. These filters should be renewed every few years or replaced once they become clogged with dirt and particles.

Some filters are re-useable which means they can be cleaned and then re-oiled with a special filter oil. If you filter is blocked doing this job can help improve the cars performance, as it will be able to breathe better.
Run a diagnostic check
Sometimes it’s a good idea to have a car check before a major service or taking your classic out for its first drive after resting in storage. A car check can be a simple internal and external inspection or a complete checklist of things to run through.

Its a good habit to get into and being patient and methodical means you can spot potential problems before they become big maintenance headaches.
The key take away is therefore to keep on top of your cars maintenance as it will reward you in the long run. Tinkering away on your classic can often be quite therapeutic and it is very satisfying fixing something with your own hands. As well as saving you money it is nice to know that your time and effort has helped keep your pride and joy on the road.
This is a Take to the Road Collaborated Post