6 Steps to take after an accident with your Classic Car

If you own a classic car, you stand to lose considerably more in the event of a car accident, aside from the obvious damage and injuries that come with a car accident.

Your classic vehicle is simply not up to par with current automobiles. This is something that any collector would understand. However, just because you place such a high value on your vehicle and will most likely be driving as cautiously as you can anyway doesn’t mean you won’t have an accident. You could make a mistake or encounter a negligent driver or other circumstances that might cause you to crash.

6 Steps to take after an accident with your Classic Car

What would you do if you ever find yourself in this situation? What precautions should you take in the event of this occurrence?

This article will show you steps you should take after an accident with your classic car.

1. Don’t Panic

Once you confirm that no one is injured(get this verified by a doctor as you can’t tell by merely looking at someone in some cases), then try to be as calm as you can. Staying level-headed will help you remember everything that needs to be done. This is also a good time to start calling services like 1-800-Injured and get a lawyer to help you soberly take further steps.

2. Have Specialized Insurance

First things first, taking steps to remedy damage from an accident involving your classic car starts with insurance. And with classic cars, you can’t just add them to your regular insurance and hope it covers it the same because your classic car is anything but regular.

6 Steps to take after an accident with your Classic Car
Image Credit: Lav Ulv – Flickr

Your vintage vehicle will be worth more than the value given in its blue book value, so your insurance should recognize that. There are three types of classic car insurance, and these are:

  • Agreed Value (AV)
  • Stated Value (SV)
  • Actual Cash Value

Be clear on all offers, then choose the best one for your vehicle.

3. Gather Evidence

For instance, if it was a minor bump, a fender bender, it might be enough just to exchange details with the other driver; little is at stake. But if your car was wrecked, then you will expect that your insurance claim is going to be a little more complex than if it had been one for minor damage.
If you or someone close has a smartphone, use it to take pictures of the scene, then call the police so they too can come to the scene of the accident. When it comes time to claim your accident compensation, you will find out how crucial a police report can be as a piece of Evidence.

4. Call Your Insurer

Having done all that, it’s time to contact your insurance agent and let them know that your car has been involved in an accident.

6 Steps to take after an accident with your Classic Car
Image Credit: simpleinsomnia – Flickr

Do so even if you were not at fault in the accident. You might be tempted to skip this part for fear of skyrocketing your insurance premiums, but you stand to lose more if you find out along the way that getting your vintage fixed in time depends on just that one phone call, so make it as soon as you can. Additionally, consider hiring the help of a Car Accident Lawyer Elk Grove, CA (or elsewhere). An experienced attorney could assist you in dealing with your insurance company, helping to alleviate some of the stress during this challenging time.

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5. Have it repaired as soon as possible

Getting your classic car fixed will likely require a substantial amount of money, and you might be dreading it but have it done as soon as you can. The parts to your car are probably hard to find, and you want to give your mechanic enough time to find them. Each passing day could decrease your chances of getting everything you need to replace on your car, so act fast.

6 Steps to take after an accident with your Classic Car
Image Credit: simpleinsomnia – Flickr

Besides that, if you leave your car for too long before fixing it, you could open the door for rust to start forming on your car, which will make any attempts to repair later on even more costly or end up having to scrap your classic car! However, if you have to wait before getting the repairs done, it might be a good idea to guard against further damage to the vehicle by keeping it in a dry facility until you can get it repaired.

6. Have it looked at by a Specialist

By ‘getting the car fixed, it’s certainly doesn’t mean checking it and fixing it yourself. A professional will look at stuff that you, as a layman, can’t. Some damages that might not show on the initial estimate can also get factored in and save you tons of money in the future and keep your car’s value.

6 Steps to take after an accident with your Classic Car
Image Credit: simpleinsomnia – Flickr

Try to get a classic car specialist at all costs, even if it means shipping the car to a different location to have it fixed. The insurance check should be able to cover that, and it’s all well worth your money!


Your classic car requires special insurance since it necessitates particular treatment after an accident. The steps in this article will help you restore your vehicle to its old glory. Unlike other vehicles, you can’t just replace a classic, so repair jobs need to be meticulous and can’t be rushed through.

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