2016 is almost at an end and as they say, time sure does fly by. It’s been a great year for Take to the Road and I am delighted with how the website and the YouTube Channel has done. I’ve managed to fit a lot into the year and I can’t wait to see what 2017 has to bring.
Looking back I managed to release 20 films this year which I am absolutely delighted with. I got to drive some very cool cars, I met some very interesting classic car owners and I started my first ever product review series. So I have to say I am pretty chuffed with how my films went this year. It’s taken a huge amount of effort to produce and edit these films and I learned a massive amount from the process. So here are all the films I made in 2016:

One of the highlights of the year was winning an award for my blog at the 2016 UK Blog Awards in London. I had no idea I was going to win and for me, just making it through to the finals was an achievement in itself. So when “Take to the Road” was called out as a winner in the Best Individual Automotive Blog category, I was stunned! Looking back I still can’t quite believe it… it was fantastic recognition for all the hard work I had put into the site since I launched it in January 2015. And it showed I was on the right track. Here’s hoping I am still on the right track and who knows… I might make it through to the finals of the 2017 UK Blog Awards!

So a big thank you to all my classic car followers for helping make 2016 the great year that it was. I’ve got lots of cool car stuff planned for next year… and I can’t wait to share it with you all!
I wish you all the best for 2017 and I hope you have a good one!
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